A Project of Templeton Foundation

During 2012-13 a project of Templeton Foundation, USA on “Adoption and uptake pathways of Bt cotton among the farmers in selected villages of Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh and Punjab” with a budget of 2.5 lakhs was sanctioned by the Indian Society for Cotton Improvement with the Director as Principal Coordinator for Andhra Pradesh. Under the project five cotton growing districts viz., Adilabad, Warangal and Mahaboobnagar from Telangana, Guntur from Costal Andhra and Kurnool from Rayalaseema were selected. In each district 20 villages and in each village 10 farmers were selected. Thus a total of 1000 farmers @ 200/district were contacted and collected the necessary information on Bt cotton. The Project work was successfully completed for the best satisfaction and appreciation of the sanctioned authority.

Meteorological Station

During 2013-14 Dr. D. Rama Naidu Vignana Jytohi Institute of Rural Development was sanctioned with a Meteorological Project of Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad on “Roving Seminars on Weather, Climate and Farmers”. Under the Project a meteorological station with all the equipment worth more than one lakh for measuring weather parameters was established. The weather data has been recorded regularly with the help of the meteorological equipment which is highly useful to the farming community of the region.

Technology Enhanced Learning in Agricultural Education (TELAgE)

Further during 2014-15 DRNVJIRD was also selected for a partnership with National Academy of Agricultural Research Management (NAARM), Hyderabad for a combined ICAR project on “Technology Enhanced Learning in Agricultural Education (TELAgE)” with a budget of Rs. 17.5 lakhs. The institute has been provided with advanced computers, T.V., video cam and other audiovisual equipment, furniture etc., for the project. Under the project video programmes in seed technology and Integrated Pest management in cotton and rice have been developed for TELAGE and the project was successfully completed by the stipulated date 31.12.2017. A total of 22 video programmes were developed for the project during the period 2014-2017.